Home Orchard Education Center Blog

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Great Grapes for the Willamette Valley 

Growing table grapes in Western Oregon or Washington? We think these are some of the best choices for pest and disease resistance (and they're delicious too!)

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Marketing & Communications Marketing & Communications

Making Connections To Native Fruits

Read on for a brief roundup of some of our favorite indigenous fruiting plants from the HOEC Community Orchard’s collection!

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Appreciating Goumi Berry

What’s that, you say? A Gummy Bear-y?! Not quite. We’re talking about the next best thing– this shrubby perennial from our edible landscaping section here at HOEC!

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Troubleshooting Stone Fruits In The Pacific Northwest

In this post we focus on problems you are most likely to encounter in this region along with some basic remedies and preventative measures.

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Organic Codling Moth Control

One of the most troublesome of all apple and pear pests an organic orchardist might expect to encounter is the CODLING MOTH aka Cydia pomonella. If you only learn about one orchard pest this year, let it be this one.

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